Tags: , , , | Categories: The Science of Think by Chris on 2/16/2011 7:06 AM | Comments (1)


  If you’re like me you add items to your task list faster than you can mark them off. Invariably, once my list reaches a certain size I can scan down through it and find entries that are very nearly identical or would seem to indicate I am going in multiple directions simultaneously. I do this from time to time because I’ve learned voices and demands of others can sometimes pull me from a self determined direction I’ve chosen. I make these choices while I’m in my quiet meditation and prayer time for that is where we have the most clarity and focus.

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways…”

  Often, being of two minds about something is not uncommon. We have a kind of duality about us. I notice it when I talk to myself sometimes while driving. And, other than the strange looks from fellow motorists at traffic lights the technique helps me work through a decision I may be facing.

  We rarely have all the information we need to make important decisions therefore we must rely on personal experience, the experience of a trusted friend or mentor or perhaps a noted book or even a blog like this one. Beyond that there is just intuition and most of all faith. What is important though is that you make the decision carefully. To do that time must be spent to consider the possible outcomes from each direction you could choose. This removes some of the emotion from decision making and helps “pave” possible routes you would take. Once you’ve weighed the possible outcomes look for the one that rates the highest. Yes, I know this speaks of statistical probabilities but I’ve found these are often components with which we must contend. Applying intuition and faith can help round out enough of the problem to help you choose a single course and that is what is most important. Once that course is chosen you must persevere. This is key. Just because you encounter a “head wind” does not mean you’re going in the wrong direction.

  The issue is not so much that you get it right all the time. Rather, it’s that you get it right more times than you get it wrong. Nobody gets it right all the time. All stock market investors, for example,  know this. Being double minded is being indecisive and is often an underlying catalyst affecting much of our poor decision making. When this happens we sometimes end up making no decision at all. In most cases a decision to do nothing is a decision to remain where you are. It can be a choice to allow circumstances in your life to remain unchanged. If these circumstances are negative obviously that is not beneficial. Taking decisive action even when you must apply ample portions of intuition and faith is empowerment and will help you move forward.


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Gautreaux Andrew on 9/16/2011 11:06 PM Hey,
This is my first time visiting your site.
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