Tags: , | Categories: The Science of Think by Chris on 2/5/2011 10:33 AM | Comments (3)


  No doubt many of you have heard the old saying that “Everyone’s a captain in a calm sea.” I love this truism because it reveals so much about the human heart. One of our repeating challenges as human beings is our propensity for over confidence. Let’s face it, it’s very easy to sit in the armchair and second guess that call our quarterback made, especially if the play failed. We relish our heroes when they win and when they make it look so easy.

  As a pilot this concept is constantly in the forefront of my mind. We study constantly to make sure we do not omit steps. The equipment we use has become very reliable, however, the checklist can not be ignored. I keep mine in the side pocket of my airplane against my left knee. It comes out every single time I fly and I work the steps on the list. Due to the repetitive nature of the activity it becomes routine therefore complacency can set in. Once that happens you can expect the “unexpected”.

 “No one ever successfully defended anything. There is only attack and attack and attack some more.” - Gen. George S. Patton


  What can be learned from this is a “proactive” attitude in life is measurably more effective than a passive one. By being proactive you keep yourself on offense. The responsibility of the offense is to advance the ball down the field and to score. By keeping an offensive posture you also control the ball. This type of control is good. With this type of control your odds of achieving the desired outcome are much higher. If you’re not in control then you’re out of control.

  The defensive posture is reactionary. Someone else is making an offense and the defense must react to it. While this is mandated in a football game, the game of life is somewhat different. For one there are less rules but the principle remains the same. Your manhood and leadership must contain the proactive for you to experience good success. This requires regular meditative thought and prayer in your life. Regular bible reading, especially the book of Proverbs is paramount for in them you will find God’s wisdom for all facets of your life including business, finance, your romantic relationship and fatherhood. In so doing you place yourself on offense and in position to advance the ball down the field. It takes courage but courage is a hallmark of manhood.

Therefore real men are people who proactively adjust to the world around them both in their personal lives and in relationship to others.

Comments (3) -

Chris United States on 2/21/2011 7:36 PM Very glad you enjoyed it....

Jan Burns United States on 3/17/2011 7:57 PM That was a good article! Thanks!
college essay United States on 6/22/2011 5:36 AM The men in the real world would be brave and courageous. More and more men every day try to look on the women.
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