Tags: , , , | Categories: The Science of Think by Chris on 2/14/2011 7:00 AM | Comments (0)


 I’m a child of the 70’s, born too late for the war protest era but old enough to remember it on television even though I was too young to understand much less participate. My parents generation fought World War II, grew up on farms or in small towns and taught or were taught the Golden Rule.

  I actually remember hearing this in elementary school. We rehearsed it along with things like the pledge of allegiance and saluting the American flag. It’s curious to me how things change.

 Much is being written right now in the national discourse regarding the polarization of our political thought. The debates have grown exceedingly course, our speech more divisive than ever the end product being a retardation of progress in moving our country forward. The irony to all this is we have a representative form of government but the elected body politic is not effectively representing the majority view and will of the people. This statement is corroborated by the wild swings in our last two elections. The 2008 elections were a clear voice spoken by the people but the mid-terms proved 2008 was not a vote for Barak Obama and liberal politics but rather a message that the people want things to be done differently. Those same people spoke again in 2010. The question is are those whom we’ve elected really listening?

 One of the most fascinating things about words is that they live forever. The Golden rule is an age old time tested truism corny to some but solid as Gibraltar itself. We are not a standard for it, rather, it is a standard for us. If we allow ourselves as Americans to sink below this truth then we betray the ideals upon which our country became great.
  Our political system is founded upon debate and compromise. This was intentional. However, the process must move forward on a regular basis. That means spirited healthy debate (under the Golden Rule), then cast your vote and move on. The bitter partisan filibustering, in whatever trick or form it may take, simply must end.

  If I cannot treat others with the same respect which I desire to be treated then we all diminish. The Golden Rule is a simple rule but a profoundly effective one and one upon which we can all immediately agree. It transcends generations, religions and political sectarianism because it speaks to our fundamental human nature. Strong foundations cannot be shaken. Ideas do have consequences. How we treat others is not just a show of respect for them but also how we see ourselves.

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